The Kalability Soccer Carnival was introduced to our carnival line up in 2018.
Held in Term 2 at Hartfield Park in Forrestfield, the Kalability All Stars Soccer Carnival is supported by Football West (Soccer), local politicians Mathew Hughes MLA and Stephen Price MLA, City of Kalamunda and the Mayor of Kalamunda, Margaret Thomas.
Local High School, Darling Range Sports College, provide students to help with the umpiring and collate scores on the day.
The Kalability All Stars Soccer Carnival is a great success with over 30 teams, comprising of 10 schools travelling across Perth Metropolitan Area to attend.
Cups are given out to division winners and a Values Award was awarded to the school who best represents each of the Kalability All Stars Values - Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.
For photos of this event, please refer to the Gallery
2022 Kalability All Stars Soccer Carnival (pdf)